Wristy Business?Is wrist pain interfering with your yoga practice or Pilates workout or Life?
Wrist Pain: Our hands, by design, were not intended for weight bearing, so it?s no wonder that many of us experience pain or discomfort when assuming those Pilates or yoga positions that require us to do just that -bear body weight on our hands. Discomfort may simply be a result of mild limitations in wrist range of motion, improper alignment of shoulders, arms and hands or reduced core and arm strength. Gentle and gradual stretching and strengthening exercises, along with proper body alignment and weight distribution may reduce your wrist discomfort in weight bearing positions. However, for some of us, even with good strength and proper form wrist pain persists. A close look at the anatomy of the hand reveals why.
Hand Anatomy: The hand is designed more for mobility than stability. It is composed of 27 small bones, muscles and ligaments that allow for a large amount of movement and dexterity, enabling us to perform a multitude of daily activities requiring fine precision and coordination. The two bones of the lower arm, the radius and ulna, meet at the carpal bones of the hand to form the wrist. Unlike the foot the hand does not have a large bone cushioned with a fat pad for bearing weight, but has small bones surrounded by soft tissue, including the nerve and blood supply. The median nerve crosses the wrist through the carpal tunnel. These soft tissues of the wrist, including the ligaments and tendons, are subject to strain when we are weight bearing on a fully extended wrist such as in a push-up position.
The Culprits: As a simplification, the common causes of wrist pain are grouped into 4 categories:
Overuse: too much repetitive movement or joint impact Injury: wrist fractures, strains & sprains Lack of conditioning: weak muscles, poor range of motion, improper form Aging or Disease: arthritic changes in the joints, inflammation, diabetes etc.
Which category does your wrist pain originate from?
Overuse: One common cause of wrist pain is Overuse, clinically known as RSI ? Repetitive Stress (or Strain) Injury. Long periods performing the same movements, such as typing on a computer, playing a musical instrument or doing sun salutations, can lead to RSI. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) a leading cause of wrist pain is grouped in the RSI category.
What do you do about RSI?
An important first step in treating an overuse injury is to rest ? stop doing what is causing you pain to allow healing time. The reality, however, is that many of our repetitive movements are related to our livelihood such as data input, graphic design, dental hygiene, massage therapist or fitness instructor, so to stop completely might result in a few bounced checks. If complete rest isn?t an option, two ways to decrease repetitive joint stress are through task and schedule modification.
Suggestion One: Modify Your Activity
Once you?ve identified the specific task(s) that?s aggravating your wrists (or other joints) look at how frequently or for what duration you?re performing this task.
Modify your Schedule: The objective of modifying your schedule is to reduce how often and how long you spend doing the pain inducing task. Urgent deadlines, productivity ratings or financial stress are real factors that contribute to overuse injuries. Many smart industries have implemented job rotation and other programs to reduce RSI in the workplace, thus saving money on workman?s compensation claims and lost productivity. Practical examples for modifying your schedule may include:
1) Part Time Work: a schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday will allow a day of rest in between.
2) Plan Ahead: instead of spending 6 hours banging out a report on the computer spread it out over 4 days for 1
Source: http://ubccheer.com/wrist-pain-causes-solutions
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