The HTC First is the second big-name phone in just weeks for a company struggling to sell a single message?
First, there was the HTC One. Now, second, if you will -- secondarily, perhaps -- there is the HTC First.
In our little blogging world here, cries of "First!" are all too common among commenters looking to make a name for themselves by being the first to spam the comments. So you can forgive us if the name itself immediately leaves a bad taste in our mouths.
When the design of the phone as well as its name leaked the day before Facebook's event, you couldn't help but wonder. "First" what? First Facebook phone? Are we stating the obvious? Or is that alliteration gone bad?
It was AT&T's Ralph de la Vega who probably said it best: "The first Facebook Home-optimized phone in the world."
And I worry that it has HTC's name on it at all.
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