সোমবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Something from nothing I: The relevance of science to philosophy ...

Do theistic metaphysical systems such as Thomism or Scotism have any stakes in the findings of the empirical sciences? ?A discussion of formal causes in science and challenges to the principle of causality.

According to the positivists, the very existence and success of these sciences is a refutation of religious and metaphysical ways of thinking; these are thereby proved either wrong or meaningless according to whether they have any empirical content. ?This view is notoriously self-refuting, and I trust few of my readers have much sympathy for it. ?Those who see value in both metaphysics and science will therefore claim that the two address different questions and different aspects of being.

For some, this conviction leads to a very sharp line drawn between the empirical sciences and the philosophy of nature; the former addresses the phenomenal world, the latter ontological reality, and the findings of one have very little significance for the other. ?The existential Thomist Jacques Maritain often seemed to take this view. ?Maritain thought he could intuit metaphysical principles, not by abstraction from the observed world, but directly through an ?intuition of being? that he was convinced he enjoyed (see especially A Preface to Metaphysics). ?Using this ?intuition?, things that seem logically perfectly possible (e.g. infinite space or a contingent being existing for an infinite time?c.f. his defense of the 3rd way in Approaches to God) can be judged actually impossible. ?Thus, Thomists often assert that the emergence of life, and sometimes of every new species, requires direct divine intervention, even though the observed laws of nature would seem to have no trouble accommodating such things. ?For an example of Maritain?s intuition at work, consider his treatment of general relativity in The Degrees of Knowledge. ?He considered the question of whether spacetime is really curved or if gravity simply mimics such an effect, a reasonable philosophical question. ?Maritain?s response, as I recall, is that when we imagine space, we must think of it as Euclidean, therefore space is really flat. ?What kind of an argument is this?

I am unsatisfied with this overly strict separation of philosophy of nature and science. ?It reduces science to a matter of data fitting with no connection to underlying truth. ?As Stephen Barr and I have argued, it is also false to say that science ignores formal causes. ?Emergent phenomena appear quite explicitly in solid-state physics (e.g. band structure, phonons) and thermodynamics. ?One can hardly imagine doing biology at all without invoking form and function. ?Aristotelians should be gratified that hylomorphic composition has proven inescapable even in the hard sciences. ?Since forms are in science, science can meaningfully contribute to discussions of what things are, not just how they are observed to behave. ?For example, physics at least strongly suggests that heat is random motion of constituent particles and light is an electromagnetic wave, a pattern of motion in an electric and magnetic field. ?One needn?t conclude then that light is ?really? a colorless mechanical oscillation?that is Cartesian prejudice long made obsolete by field theory. ?Electromagnetic waves obviously do have color. ?That these discoveries about heat and light, although they are empirically based, are indeed formal is attested by their certainty. ?We may possibly learn much more about the behavior of nonideal gases or the behavior of light at high energies or in nonlinear media, but it?s impossible to imagine this affecting the overall identifications with random motion and electromagnetism, just as future refinement in our understanding of human physiology can?t possibly shake our recognition of human beings as distinct biological organisms. ?The role of philosophers, then, is to identify the distinctly formal element of scientific discoveries. ?They point out when a distinct pattern has been identified, one that can be recognized and understood independently of refinements in our knowledge of the underlying matter. ?It is often said that every scientific theory is one experiment away from refutation. ?However, these nuggets of formal knowledge, obtained by scientific-philosophical cooperation, are more solid.

What of the more general principles of the philosophy of nature and metaphysics, such as the principle of causality (for the Thomist) or sufficient reason (for the followers of Leibniz)? ?Do the sciences address these at all? ?I admit that I have never experienced Maritain?s ?intuition of being?, and I am not privy to its secrets. ?I also have no way of knowing if it is anything other than his private fantasy. ?Thus, I prefer to build metaphysical principles on abstraction from the sensible world, just as Aristotle himself did. ?General principles having to do with identity and causality should be thought of as the general requirements that any understanding of nature must obey if it is to describe a coherent, intelligible universe. ?Logical consistency is one obvious such prerequisite, and hence the laws of identity and noncontradition, as the metaphysical bases of logical consistency, are seen as metaphysical truths, assumed rather than tested by science. ?However, logical consistency may not be the only prerequisite for an intelligible universe. ?Many metaphysical systems assert that some laws on the operation of causality are also needed.

Restrictions on the operation of causality are the lynchpin of any cosmological argument for the existence of God, the necessary self-subsistent Being who holds all contingent beings in existence. ?The argument must take as one of its premises some statement that contingent/finite/composite beings can?t come into existence or maintain in existence ?by themselves?. ?Why not? ?How is it logically or mathematically impossible to say, as a brute law of nature, that elephants come into existence out of nothing with a rate/probability of one per year per cubic light year? ?It isn?t. ?One could make a consistent mathematical model of a universe in which this is true. ?But would it be coherent?

In a universe where finite beings pop into existence out of metaphysical nothing at a certain rate, we must ask where this rate for each type of object comes from. ?What is it?s ontological ground? ?There are three possibilities that I can think of.

  1. The rate is grounded in some background reality into which the created being emerges. ?Then we don?t really have creation from nothing; we have creation from this background object by exercise of the potencies of this existing object.
  2. The rate is grounded in ?the laws of nature?. ?That is, these laws are regarded not as descriptions of the nature of existing objects, but as causally active entities (or their enforcer, whatever it is) in their own right. ?Physicists talking to the public about ?the laws of physics? allowing creation from nothing often sound as if this is what they believe. ?However, once we reconceptualize the laws of physics as actual beings, position 2 really becomes a version of position 1. ?In fact, it?s a version of position 1 that suggests a Platonic Demiurge, although I doubt the New Atheists realize this.
  3. The rate is grounded in the created object itself. ?Part of the nature of each object is its probability for self-creation.

Only position 3 presents a threat to the cosmological argument. ?Thus, it is sufficient for natural theology to prove that position 3 is incoherent. ?This can be argued as follows. ?Take an object A with self-creation rate p. ?Now imagine another object B whose nature is identical to the first except its self-creation rate is y*p, where y is some arbitrarily large number, large enough that the universe should momentarily fill up with Bs. ?Why doesn?t this happen? ?The only response is that the hypothetical universe is only one with As but not Bs. ?However, before they self-create, every type of object is equally non-existent. ?There is no way of saying that only certain types of objects can self-create if position 3 is true, i.e. if creation is grounded in the emerging object. ?Thus, every logically conceivable object must self-create at every rate, and an intelligible universe is impossible.

It has been objected that creation from nothing happens all the time in particle physics, in the form of particle-antiparticle pairs spontaneously popping out of the vacuum. ?This is an objection that philosophers should take very seriously. ?The phenomenon arises in several contexts. ?In the presence of strong electric or gravitational fields, real particles can be created spontaneously (in the sense that the effect is probabilistic), although the mass-energy, and hence presumably the causal agent, of the new particles comes from the background field. ?The temporary creation of virtual particles also appears in perturbation theory calculations of various scattering rates, decay rates, and correlations. ?As an aside, I think the ontological status of virtual particles is far from clear. ?One can use the same Feynman diagram methods to solve certain classical problems (e.g. the harmonic oscillator), and the virtual states that appear in the calculation are pretty obviously artifacts of the perturbation expansion. ?So in QED, one can ?correct? the noninteracting photon propagator by adding contributions from the photon temporarily splitting into an electron-positron pair. ?Does that mean photons really spend part of their time as pairs, or only that the noninteracting photon is just an approximation to the ?true? photon of the full nonlinear theory and the perturbative expansion shows us how to build the true propagator from analytically tractable simpler ones? ?In any event, even these virtual pair creations are not ?from nothing? since their diagrams always attach (eventually) to the real particles. ?In the above example, the pair comes from a photon. ?In any case, the identification of the vacuum in quantum field theory with metaphysical nothing is the most egregious misstep of all. ?The vacuum can have a nonzero energy, and it is possible that cosmologists have already measured it. ?(The so-called ?cosmological constant? or ?dark energy?). ?Indeed, the existence of a vacuum is not even a generally covariant fact, since an accelerating observer will see particles where an inertial observer sees none. ?Actually, the vacuum has a great deal of structure loaded into it via the Hilbert space we erect to describe it as one state among many and the Lagrangian or Hamiltonian to describe its evolution, which includes information about all possible particles and their energies. ?What grounds these expressions? ?Why can?t I stick energy terms from non-existent particles into the Lagrangian? ?If I do, my answers will be wrong. ?If one attaches quantum field theory to position 3, it becomes vulnerable to all of the?objections to that position. ?It therefore seems that modern particle physics, in spite of its ability to ?create? particles, must be wed to position 1 or 2. ?Position 1 seems to me more natural, given the mathematical similarity of particle physics to the theory of perturbations in solids; in the latter case it is clear that the particles are oscillations of an underlying lattice which provides the metaphysical ground for all the particles? properties. ?I repeat what I said about light: ?asserting that elementary particles are excitations of something doesn?t mean that they?re mechanical oscillations in some sort of ether.

A more serious challenge comes from quantum cosmology. ?In particular, Vilenkin and Hawking and Hartle have proposed models (based on reasonable semiclassical and mini-superspace approximations to a full quantum treatment of the metric of the universe) in which a closed spacetime manifold, representing the whole universe, apparently tunnels into being out of nothing. ?These models evade many of my above objections. ?There is no background space or field to provide the obvious ?something?. ?Since spacetime manifolds themselves are not (or needn?t be) embedded in any background space, this scenario doesn?t fit into the above disproved case of a creation rate per time per volume. ?One might assert that there is no way to identify points on different manifolds and that therefore universes can?t interact, so there is no empirical problem with saying that an infinite number of different universes?every possible one?can and do pop into being out of nothing.

Note that it is irrelevant whether any particular published scenario describes our actual universe. ?Their authors themselves regard them as simplified models, but even nothing like this ever happened, the damage to the cosmological argument would be the same, since that only depends on what is coherently possible. ?A more pertinent inquiry is whether these universe-creation models, e.g. the Hawking-Moss instanton, have been interpreted correctly. ?My impression is that discerning reality is more difficult when working with instantons than when working with the full quantum theory. ?Tunneling ?from nothing? is an obscure and problematic notion. ?Again, something along the lines of position 1 would probably be more natural: ?the spacetime metric is an excitation of some background entity, and the ?nothing? from which it emerged was that entity?s ground state. ?(?Third quantization? models of universe creation lend themselves very easily to such a reading.) ?(A position 2 interpretation could also work, and is at least rhetorically the one preferred by most cosmologists. ?To this, my points on position 2 would apply.)

However, even if I could argue that a position 1 interpretation is more natural, the causality requirement needed by the cosmological argument is still overthrown if a position 3 interpretation is still tenable. ?To genuinely prove the principle of causality, we must grant the alternative every leeway and show that it still can?t work. ?The proponents of self-creation, however, must grant their opponents the right to take the proposed self-creation principle and apply it categorically to every possibility that the principle allows and wreck as much havoc as he can. ?Is it really true that universes can?t interact? ?If the terms in the action are grounded in self-creating metrics, than I can stick anything into them that I like, even if I have to introduce arbitrary mappings between manifolds to make interactions between universes work. ?And I?ll bet I can do this in ways that make two universes interacting distinct from one bimetric universe. ?This is only the first idea that comes to my mind for how to try to wreck a cosmological model that espouses a position 3 interpretation. ?One senses the opportunity for an arms race between theist and atheist theoretical physicists. ?Probably this would not be decisive in itself, but onlooking philosophers would have their imaginations stretched, and they would have a wider sense of possibility than everyday experience provides when formulating their putatively necessary principles.

In my defense of religion, I presented something like the no-popping argument above. ?I then proposed an explanation of this principle, namely that beings for whom multiple instantiation is possible must be receiving their existence from outside. ?This allowed me to disregard possibilities such as that contingent beings have perpetually existed on existential inertia or that there is a force that suppresses self-creation in an already occupied universe (what I call the ?crowding out? possibility) without having to find a particular inconsistency in any of them. ?This has always struck me as the weakest part of my argument, because I?ve never proven that there is no rival metaphysical principle that could explain no-popping without ruling out the other atheist alternatives. ?An argument that took direct aim at a stronger alternative, the best theoretical physicists could muster, would have had a stronger effect and made the leap to metaphysical principle smaller. ?Thus, I have entitled this post part 1 of a series, hoping the implicit promise will prompt me to address this issue properly.

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Source: http://orthosphere.org/2012/12/31/something-from-nothing-i-the-relevance-of-science-to-philosophy/

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Documentary Maker Bought An Oscar Ad In ... - Business Insider

Upon hearing the news that music from his documentary had the potential to compete with Les Miserables and other 2012 blockbusters for best score and song in the Academy Awards, filmmaker Steven C. Barber changed around some plans.

Michael Cieply from the New York Times reported that while Barber (who works from a rent controlled apartment) was looking to buy a used Lexus, he immediately reallocated his funds to a $13,500 "For Your Consideration" ad in Variety when he found out he was shortlisted. (Cieply says he haggled the price down.)

The Las Vegas filmmaker is eligible for nomination for "Until They Are Home," a documentary about the process of repatriating remains of deceased American soldiers who died overseas. He'll find out if he got the actual nomination on Jan. 10.

"It was kind of like winning the lottery," Barber told Andrea Domanick at the Las Vegas Sun. He continued,??Nevada is a state of winners and losers, and today I feel like a winner."

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/documentary-maker-bought-an-oscar-ad-in-variety-instead-of-a-lexus-2012-12

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5 killed, at least 20 injured in Oregon bus crash

By NBC News

LA GRANDE, Ore. -- Nine people were killed and at least 20 others hospitalized on Sunday after a tour bus veered out of control on an icy stretch of freeway in eastern Oregon and rolled nearly 200 feet down an embankment, state police said.

State police reported that the driver apparently lost control of the charter bus around 10:30 a.m. on the snow- and ice-covered lanes of Interstate 84 and crashed through a guardrail before plunging down an embankment. The Oregonian newspaper reported that the bus ?tumbled nearly 200 feet before coming to a halt.

Oregon State Police Lt. Gregg Hastings told the newspaper that about 40 passengers were on the bus at the time of the crash, which occurred near milepost 227 on Interstate 84 near Deadman Pass, according to the East Oregonian?newspaper.?

Hastings told the East Oregonian that he learned the bus was returning to Las Vegas from British Columbia, Canada. ??

Rescue workers used ropes to help retrieve the injured from the scene. Westbound lanes of I-84 were closed.

The Oregonian said 18 passengers were transported to St. Anthony's Hospital in Pendleton, about 13 miles northwest of the crash scene. Hospital spokesman Larry Blanc would not say?if or how many passengers sustained life-threatening injuries, it said.

Three fixed-wing aircraft also were on standby at the Pendleton airport if needed to transport injured to hospitals elsewhere, state police said.

Authorities did not immediately identify the operator of the charter bus.

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Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/30/16254077-9-killed-at-least-20-injured-when-charter-bus-plunges-off-icy-oregon-highway?lite

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Column: Gun debate revives enduring American fight

WASHINGTON (AP) -- On the eve of a new year, a libertarian strain pulses through America ? a get-government-out-of-my-personal-life sensibility that cuts across ideologies and is driven by a younger generation's cultural attitudes.

We've seen it in gay-marriage legalization and marijuana decriminalization. And in the fact that, four decades after Roe v. Wade allowed abortion, there's little appetite among most for overturning it. Perhaps we've also seen this play out with guns, with a more limited role for government in regulating firearms.

But today, a mourning nation must square that shift toward fewer gun restrictions with a series of fatal mass shootings in the past few years, the latest claiming 20 elementary school students among the dead. And the pendulum may swing just as quickly back toward curbs on gun rights: A country that's become more tolerant on other cultural issues may end up bucking the trend on this subject.

Here's why: It can't be boiled down to "my body, my decisions."

The gun issue doesn't fit neatly into the libertarian lane in which the United States has been driving when it comes to gay marriage, abortion and marijuana ? the belief that people have the right to make their own decisions about how they live their lives, as long as they respect the rights of others to do the same. And that's because while it may be your right to own a gun, you can use it to harm others, thereby taking away their right to live their lives as they want.

This is not a new tension in America, a republic founded by men with libertarian leanings that has always struggled to strike the right balance between rights for one and safety for all.

The first settlers fled the big hand of Mother England, seeking a smaller government to protect basic freedoms ? and founding a nation built on the "inalienable" rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of Independence acknowledged the stress in America's foundation, saying the new country's government would secure those rights, but people would have the authority to alter or abolish it if it were to become "destructive of these ends."

In modern times, libertarianism, which draws from both liberal and conservative influences, has reared its head often in American history ? most recently in today's tea party, which is uncompromising in pursuing a smaller government role in fiscal matters.

These days, 16 to 18 percent of adults in various surveys identify themselves as libertarians. But many more have libertarian views on individual issues even as they call themselves Republicans, Democrats or independents. It also can be a generational thing, with a Pew Research Center poll in December 2011 finding that 50 percent of Americans under age 30 had positive reaction to the label compared with only 25 percent of senior citizens.

The debate now under way underscores how different guns are from other social issues ? how this topic is not just about you, but about us.

There is a thicket of considerations. The fact that many people view gun ownership as a foundational right. Mental health. Urban vs. rural matters. Sports. Crime. Violence in video games and movies. Parental responsibility. "We know," President Barack Obama said, "this is a complex issue that stirs deeply held passions and political divides."

The multiple factors at play ? and the loss of young innocents ? could explain why, despite the nation's recent libertarianism on cultural matters, the Newtown, Conn., killings quickly spurred calls from across the political spectrum for at least a discussion of whether new limits should be placed on guns. This suggested a possible expansion of government in this realm.

"This awful massacre of our youngest children has changed us, and everything should be on the table," said Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association. And Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley, the senior Republican on the committee that would take up any legislation, said: "You've got to take all these things into consideration."

The NRA, the nation's largest gun-rights lobby, has promised opposition to more regulations, just as it helped ensure the federal assault weapons ban wasn't renewed in 2004 and state gun laws were loosened by legislatures.

Advocates for gay marriage, marijuana legalization and abortion rights also all have made significant recent strides. Each has pushed legislation in states with friendly political environments while also taking advantage of the country's changing mindset.

Consider that in the last election:

?Washington, Maryland and Maine became the first states ever to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote. Now nine states and the District of Columbia recognize gay unions.

?Washington state and Colorado voted to legalize recreational marijuana use, and Obama's administration signaled it wouldn't pursue those users, even though the drug is illegal under federal law.

?Several Republicans who took rigid stands against abortion rights lost. Among them: GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

Then, only six weeks after the election, came Sandy Hook. And gun control jumped to the front of the national conversation.

In the days and weeks before, lawmakers in the GOP-led states of Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina and Pennsylvania considered proposals to loosen restrictions on employees keeping guns in their vehicles on work property, and Ohio's legislature passed a law allowing guns to be left in parked vehicles underneath the Statehouse.

A federal appeals court in Illinois struck down a ban on carrying concealed weapons, while Florida's GOP-led administration announced that 1 million people would soon have valid permits to carry them. Michigan's legislature also approved laws easing restrictions, though its Republican governor, Rick Snyder, later vetoed a measure allowing certain gun owners to carry concealed weapons in public places.

Public opinion polling has illustrated the trend since 2000, with more Americans now generally favoring the right to own guns over increased limitations on ownership. But there is also widespread support in surveys for reinstating the federal assault weapons ban and for limiting high-powered magazines.

It is, for sure, a contradictory series of messages ? unsurprising for an issue that asks such an intricate question: In a world of weaponry unimaginable to the people who came up with the Second Amendment, how do you strike the right balance between the individual's right to bear arms and the government's role in protecting the public?

With the latest eruption of the gun debate, we've returned to the enduring fight over libertarian principles that we've kept going for more than 200 years ? the core tension between what's right for one of us and what's right for all of us.

Whatever happens with gun control in the aftermath of Newtown, the debate reveals what this generation faces as it tries to shape the nation it inherits: the enduring struggle to understand that delicate constitutional space that exists between my right to swing my arm around freely and your right not to be hit in the face.


EDITOR'S NOTE ? Liz Sidoti is the national politics editor for The Associated Press.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/column-gun-debate-revives-enduring-190232952.html

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Resolutions for the Not-So-Perfect Stepparent ? Step Parenting with ...

When I married my husband,? I set out to be the perfect stepparent. I read all the books, went to the conferences, and worked overtime doing everything right for my stepchildren. But I wasn?t a perfect stepparent. I made a lot of mistakes.?Through 17 years of stepparenting, experience has taught me?that I don?t have to be a perfect stepparent to have stepchildren grow to love me.

new yearThis year, instead of making resolutions about being a better stepparent, I decided to ponder a few resolutions on how to move past my imperfections and keep going on days I want to quit as a not-so-perfect stepparent.

So, this year I commit to ?

?1. Let go of the?Stepmom guilt. We all experience it from time to time. We let our mind run away with what we?ve done wrong as a stepparent. Or we compare our stepfamily to our neighbor?s perfectly-blended family and let the criticism begin.?Stepmom guilt comes from the expectation that everything in our home should be perfect. But that?s never going to happen. Instead, why not?let go of unrealistic expectations that keep us bound to guilt when we don?t measure up?

2. Forgive myself when I fail. A defeated stepparent doesn?t parent effectively. When we barrage ourselves with negative self-talk over a poor parenting choice, we continue down a negative path. Forgiving ourselves for less-than-stellar stepparenting moments allows us to begin again with a renewed mind and fresh perspective for our parenting challenges.

3. Seek out support from other stepmoms on hard days. My neighbor is a single parent with two school-aged children. She recognizes her need for help in juggling her responsibilities and seeks out other moms to assist with car pool or after school care when the demands of her work schedule become overwhelming. As stepmoms, it?s helpful to find fellow stepmoms who can offer encouragement or support on hard days. If you haven?t found local stepmoms,?check out the group?on Twitter of? #TwitterStepmoms.

4. Listen to my heart on how to parent my stepchild, instead of others? opinions. It?s easy to run to the phone and ask our best friend what to do when we?re facing a difficult parenting moment, but if we step back and listen to our heart while considering our options, we make better decisions. Considering our stepchild?s personality?as part of the parenting equation allows us to tailor our parenting in a healthier light.

5. Nurture my marriage.?Stepchildren eventually exit the nest. The goal is for the marriage to outlast the stepparenting years.??Good marriages don?t just happen -they require regular nurturing.?I want to continue to?reach beyond an ordinary marriage by being my partner?s biggest fan and most loyal friend.

6. Take time to run, or quilt, or whatever activity works for me to re-group when the stepparenting strain takes over. ?It?s important to re-group and make time for self-care when we?re about to go off the parenting cliff. Balancing stepparenting demands with activities we can look forward and enjoy by ourselves or with others, creates a well-rounded stepparent who can more effectively handle the strains of stepparenting.

As you start a new year, do you have resolutions to consider as a not-so-perfect stepparent? Do you need a mindset do-over that includes room for imperfection and second chances as a stepparent? Perhaps that?s the ticket to success this year on your not-so-perfect stepparenting journey.

Do you have other resolutions to add??Leave me a comment and let me know.

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Source: http://stepparentingwithgrace.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/resolutions-for-the-not-so-perfect-stepparent/

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Great White. As I was taking this shot along a golf course, a...

Great White.

As I was taking this shot along a golf course, a twosome drove up and the man told me about a pelican he saw the day before. ?The pelican had caught a fish too big to carry very far, so he dropped it in the middle of the fairway. ?As other pelicans, egrets and cormorants began to notice and come over along came an eagle, who swooped down and carried the fish away.

It?s always the shots you DIDN?T get?


December 25, 2012

Source: http://danagel.tumblr.com/post/39213894639

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Best Latino Athletes of 2012: Lionel Messi, Ryan Lochte, Danell Leyva And More Shinning Stars

  • Ryan Lochte

    The Gold medalist of Cuban descent Ryan Lochte rose to glory this year at the London Olympics. With eleven Olympic medals, this American competition swimmer came out of fellow swimmer Michael Phelps' shadow to shine as an Olympic star in England.

  • Lionel Messi

    Argentine soccer player Lionel Messi broke the record for most goals scored in a year and is shaping up to win the award for best player in the world for the fourth consecutive time.

  • Juan Manuel M?rquez

    The Mexican boxer has been considered by many <a href="http://voces.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/28/mejores-deportistas-latinos_n_2372659.html?utm_hp_ref=deportes#slide=1925582"> as the champion of the decade</a> after defeating legendary boxer Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas, Nevada.

  • Danell Leyva

    This Cuban-American gymnast might've taken a tumble on the pummel horse, but he still managed to take the bronze medal in the 2012 London Olympics in the Men's All Around.

  • El 'Tri'

    The Mexican soccer team won their first gold medal for Mexico in soccer. The team led by Luis Fernando Tena, won the Olympic final against Brazil.

  • Victor Cruz

    The New York Giants receiver, Victor Cruz, established himself as one of the stars of the NFL when he helped his team win the Super Bowl against New England Patriots.

  • Marlen Esparza

    Mexican-American Marlen Esparza is a boxer who in 2012 became the first woman boxer to represent the United States in the first year that women's boxing was accepted officially as a sport in the Olympic games.

  • Leonel Manzano

    Mexican-American runner Leonel Manzano, right, celebrates with the flags of the United States and Mexico after finishing second in the 1,500 meters at the Olympic Games in London. Manzano was born in Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico, but represented the U.S. in the Olympics.

  • Felix Sanchez

    Feliz Sanchez is a Dominican track and field athlete who specializes in the 400 meter hurdles event, in which he is currently the Olympic champion.

  • Pablo Sandoval

    Venezuelan Pablo Sandoval was named MVP of the World Series between San Francisco and Detroit. He made history by with three home runs in the first game.

  • Jaime Yusept Espinal

    Silver medalist Jaime Yusept Espinal of Puerto Rico shows his medal during the victory ceremony for the men's 84-kg freestyle wrestling competition at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

  • Radamel Falcao

    Colombian soccer player Radamel Falcao, from the Atletico de Madrid team, became a great figure in Europe when he lead his team to several stunning victories. His impressive goals also made the Colombian national team a competitive force within the South American qualifiers for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Rio.

  • Paola Espinoza

    Mexico's Paola Espinoza won silver in 10m Synchronized platform at the 2012 Olympics.

  • Miguel Cabrera

    Venezuelan Miguel Cabrera of the Detroit Tigers achieved what no one since 1967 had been able to do: batting a triple crown in the majors.

  • Sergio Mart?nez

    Sergio 'Maravilla' Martinez was named 'Athlete of the Year' in Argentina after his victory over Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

  • Mariana Paj?n

    Colombian Mariana Paj?n won the BMX in cycling at the 2012 London Olympics, earning her first award and the second Olympic gold in Colombia's Olympic history.

  • Sergio P?rez

    Mexican Sergio "Checo" Perez was crowned one of the most important figures of race car driving in the world, climbing the podium three times.

  • Rub?n Limardo

    Ruben Limardo won the gold medal in fencing for Venezuela at the 2012 London Olympics.

  • Sebastian Eduardo Crismanich

    Argentine Sebastian Crismanich won the gold medal in the 80 kg category in Taekwondo at 2012 London Olympics.

  • Mija?n L?pez Nunez

    Cuban Mijain Lopez Nunez won his second gold medal in the 120 kg category in wrestling at the 2012 Olympic games.

  • Brenda Villa

    Brenda Villa, water polo captain for the U.S. team, and her teammates took the gold in the Olympics.

  • Erick Barrondo

    The Guatemalan athlete became the first Olympic medalist in the history of his country at the 2012 London Olympics.

  • Teresa Perales

    Teresa Perales of Spain celebrates after winning the gold in the Women's 100m Freestyle of the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

  • Cain Velasquez

    Currently ranked at the top of the list of heavyweight in the world, the mixed martial artist of Mexican descent is a prominent figure in the UFC.

This year was marked by the 2012 London Olympics, where Latino athletes were some of the most successful players bringing glory in the shape of gold, silver and bronze medals.

Athletes like swimmer Ryan Lochte and gymnast Danell Leyva, both of Cuban descent, as well as Puerto Rican-American football player, Victor Cruz, and Venezuelan baseball player Pablo Sandoval, shone in their respective sports, becoming icons in the process.

But perhaps the most epic stories came from Latin America, where the Mexican national soccer team was able to dominate their Brazilian counterpart in the Olympic soccer finals, winning their first Olympic gold in the history of the team. Lionel Messi also established himself as one of the greatest sports figures in history, breaking records by leading the Spanish Barcelona soccer team ?Bar?a? to multiple victories.

And let's not forget the powerful knockout by Juan Manuel Marquez, which was enough to send legendary boxer Manny Pacquiao to the ring floor in a memorable match in Las Vegas, Nevada that left many astonished.

Check out these and more outstanding Latino athletes in 2012 above.

"; var coords = [-5, -72]; // display fb-bubble FloatingPrompt.embed(this, html, undefined, 'top', {fp_intersects:1, timeout_remove:2000,ignore_arrow: true, width:236, add_xy:coords, class_name: 'clear-overlay'}); });

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/31/best-latino-athletes-2012_n_2389226.html

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Ringed and bearded ice seal populations listed under the Endangered Species Act

Dec. 30, 2012 ? NOAA Fisheries announced on December 21, in compliance with a court ordered deadline, its final listing decision for four subspecies of ringed seals and two distinct population segments (DPSs) of bearded seals under the Endangered Species Act. Specifically, in line with the proposal, NOAA will list as threatened the Beringia and Okhotsk DPSs of bearded seals and the Arctic, Okhotsk, and Baltic subspecies of ringed seals. The Ladoga subspecies of ringed seals will be listed as endangered. The species that exist in U.S. waters (Arctic ringed seals and the Beringia DPS of bearded seals) are already protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

This science-based listing decision will not result in any immediate restrictions on human activities; however, Federal agencies that permit or fund projects that may affect a listed species must consult with NOAA Fisheries to ensure the existence of the species is not jeopardized. In addition, this listing will have no impact on the subsistence harvest of ice seals by Alaska Natives, a practice that is central to the traditional culture and nutrition in many Alaskan Native coastal communities.

"Our scientists undertook an extensive review of the best scientific and commercial data. They concluded that a significant decrease in sea ice is probable later this century and that these changes will likely cause these seal populations to decline," said Jon Kurland, protected resources director for NOAA Fisheries' Alaska region. "We look forward to working with the State of Alaska, our Alaska Native co-management partners, and the public as we work toward designating critical habitat for these seals."

NOAA will work with local, state and Native partners, as well as the public to help determine whether to propose critical habitat designations for Arctic ringed seals and the Beringia DPS of bearded seals. This decision will happen at a later date, after compiling significant additional scientific and economic data and public input. Earlier this year, the President directed that any future designations of critical habitat carefully consider all public comments on relevant science and economic impact, including those that suggest methods for minimizing regulatory burdens. Any potential future critical habitat designation will include a full analysis of economic impact, including impact on jobs, and will strive, to the extent permitted by law, to avoid unnecessary burdens and costs on states, tribes, localities, and the private sector.

Ringed and bearded seals depend on sea ice and snow to survive. After a comprehensive review of the best available science including climate models developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, NOAA has concluded that sea ice and snow cover are likely to further decrease in the foreseeable future resulting in population declines that threaten the survival of these seals.

Ringed seals nurse and protect their pups in snow caves, which are threatened by late ice formation in the fall, rain-on-snow events in the late winter, earlier break-up of spring ice, as well as decreasing snow depths, which are projected to be too shallow for snow cave formation by the end of the century. Both ringed seals and bearded seals rely on sea ice for extended periods during molting, and bearded seals live on sea ice during critical months for breeding, whelping, and nursing. Sea ice is projected to shrink both in extent and duration, with bearded seals finding inadequate ice even if they move north.

NOAA Fisheries proposed the listings in December 2010 and provided opportunities for public input through public comment periods and during public hearings held in Anchorage, Barrow, and Nome. In accordance with NOAA's Policy for Peer Review in ESA Activities, the agency also solicited comments from peer reviewers on each of the proposed rules. In December 2011, NOAA administratively extended the deadline for final listing determinations six months to June 2012 to allow for additional consideration of relevant science and information. In November 2012, the Alaska district court ordered NOAA to respond to a complaint about further delay by December 21, 2012.

The Endangered Species Act defines an endangered species as "any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range." A threatened species is "any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range."

The Endangered Species Act requires species listed as endangered to receive the full protection under the Act to prevent extinction, including a prohibition against "take," which includes harassing, harming, pursuing, wounding, killing, trapping, capturing, or collecting. These protections may also be established for threatened species to prevent them from becoming endangered, but NOAA does not propose pursuing such a rule at this time.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_environment/~3/zX7CoN9eWps/121230180804.htm

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Same-Sex Marriage In Maine: The First Wedding (PHOTOS)

Congratulations, Mainers!

The same-sex marriage law that voters passed in November went into effect at midnight on December 29th. Maine joins Washington, Massachusetts, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut and the District of Columbia in enacting same-sex marriage laws; same-sex couples there may obtain marriage licences and get married.

To see what marriage equality looks like in the Pine Tree State, we found photos from the first legal marriage in Maine. The grooms were Steven Bridges and Michael Snell and they wed at about 12:25 AM on Saturday.

"It's historic. We've waited our entire lives for this," Bridges told the Associated Press.

See their journey to City Hall in Portland in the slideshow below.

  • Steven Bridges, left, and Michael Snell, a couple for nine years, arrive at City Hall in Portland, Maine.

  • Snell and Bridges speak to a reporter before obtaining a marriage license under the state's new law. Bridges and Snell held a commitment ceremony six years ago.

  • Steven Bridges receives a wedding ring from Michael Snell early Saturday. "We finally feel equal and happy to live in Maine," <a href="http://bangordailynews.com/2012/12/28/news/portland/maines-first-married-gay-couple-we-finally-feel-equal/">Bridges told the Bangor Daily News</a>.

  • Steven Bridges and Michael Snell right after making history as the first same-sex couple to be married in the state.

  • A crowd cheers at 12:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012, as the first same-sex couple to be legally married in Maine departs City Hall in Portland, Maine.

Keep in touch! Check out HuffPost Weddings on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

"; var coords = [-5, -72]; // display fb-bubble FloatingPrompt.embed(this, html, undefined, 'top', {fp_intersects:1, timeout_remove:2000,ignore_arrow: true, width:236, add_xy:coords, class_name: 'clear-overlay'}); });

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/29/same-sex-marriage-in-main_n_2381252.html

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Ag secretary sees common ground on gun control

(AP) ? Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says the Newtown school shootings have changed the gun control debate and that rural America is ready to be part of a national conversation that he believes could bring people together.

Vilsack says the debate has to start with respect for the Second Amendment right to bear arms and a recognition that hunting is a way of life for millions of Americans.

But Vilsack said that the nation has reached "a different circumstance" in the gun control debate. It will take time, but it's now "potentially a unifying conversation," he said. President Barack Obama recognizes that changes to gun laws can't just be decreed from Washington but must come from the "grassroots up."

Vilsack was interviewed Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-12-30-Gun%20Control-Vilsack/id-855cbbdf90934a4db7b2415548608251

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Norwegian earns internet stardom and an NFL tryout to boot

POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Dec 29, 2012

Havard Rugland does not have the pedigree one might expect for someone who has become an Internet sensation for kicking an American football. He knows next to nothing about the sport. Just ask him to name the quarterback of the New England Patriots or the Denver Broncos.

"I have no idea," said Rugland, a 28-year-old from Norway.

When asked how many yards an offense is penalized for a false start, Rugland paused. "I'd just be guessing," he finally admitted.

"Look, I don't know much about football," Rugland said by telephone from his home in Aalgaard, a small town near the southwestern coast of Norway. "But I'm fascinated by it. There's great athletes and speed and big hits. I thought it was interesting. So I wondered, What can I do?"

Using tools not typically associated with athletic prowess ? YouTube, Facebook, Skype and Gmail ? Rugland parlayed a homemade video that went viral into a tryout as a placekicker with the New York Jets last week. He might be the first professional prospect to replace college football experience with social media savvy.

In the four-minute video, posted in mid-September under the title "Kickalicious," the left-footed Rugland pulls off some of the most amusing tricks with a football since Lucy began duping Charlie Brown. And sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, it was viewed for the millionth time.

In one clip Rugland kicks the ball from a dock to someone in a canoe floating about 25 yards away. Twice. In another, he kicks the ball into the arms of someone standing through a car's sunroof. That might not seem so spectacular, except the car is cruising along a country road. The most eye-popping trick is saved for last. Rugland punts one ball high into the air and then quickly kicks a second ball off a tee. The balls collide in midair.

"That last kick, it took about eight tries," said Rugland, who added that coming up with creative ideas for kicks and punts was often tougher than executing them. "The basketball kick, I wanted it to go straight in, but it kept hitting the rim. That actually took a while. That could have been like 40 tries."

Rugland is so accurate on so many difficult kicks that his video almost seems too good to be true. It brings to mind doctored videos featuring other athletes, like one of the Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant leaping over a speeding Aston Martin (Bryant never would have risked his knees). But Rugland insists his video is real. (The could not independently verify this, though Rugland said that NRK, Norway's public broadcasting network, reviewed the raw videos and concluded they were legitimate.)

"I actually used Windows Movie Maker to edit the film," Rugland said. "The program isn't very good, so it actually crashed a few times. So it's kind of funny hearing people accusing me of things like, ?Oh, this is fake and it's easy to see.' I don't know how I would be able to try and do that."

Regardless of the video's legitimacy, Rugland ended up at the Jets' doorstep, quite an accomplishment for anyone, let alone a Norwegian who had never played football at any level. His journey to New York provides a blueprint of sorts for anyone looking to turn a homemade video into a global hit.

It all started when Rugland's club soccer team disbanded a year and a half ago. He began looking for another hobby to go along with his interest in video cameras. He got the bug for football after watching a live feed of the Super Bowl in the middle of the night. Rugland said he always had a booming leg in soccer and wondered if his talent would transfer to this new, obscure sport.

So Rugland went on the Internet and studied videos of placekickers. He also read up on kicking statistics. Asked to identify the longest field goal in NFL history, Rugland quickly answered: "Sixty-three yards by Janikowski, and Tom Dempsey in 1970. Didn't Akers do it this year when it hit the post and went over?"

Actually, David Akers' kick bounced off the crossbar, and Jason Elam also tied the record. But still.

With the assistance of two of his brothers and a friend, Rugland made the video in about five days in September. He said they did it for fun, bringing along a video camera whenever they went to the beach or took a drive. In the weeks after Rugland put the video online, it reached 5,000 hits, thanks mostly to friends of the four who reposted it on Facebook. That was 4,950 more hits than Rugland had expected. One of those viewers was Michael Husted, who kicked in the NFL for nine seasons. Husted, a kicking teacher, connected with Rugland on Facebook.

"I was just enamored by his size and his stature," Husted said of Rugland, who is 6 feet 2 inches and 242 pounds. "I thought there was some potential there. NFL teams like these big kickers."

Soon, Husted and Rugland began discussing the art of the trade over Skype.

In mid-October, NRK, the Norwegian television station, did a story on Rugland's minor celebrity. Within a week after the broadcast, Rugland said, the video reached 500,000 views. Soon his Gmail account was flooded with interest from small colleges like Henderson State University in Arkansas and Lincoln University in Missouri. In late November, Rugland received an email message from someone with more clout: Scott Cohen, assistant general manager of the Jets.

"Of course, my first thought was, ?Who of my friends have sent me this email?"' Rugland said. "I thought it was a joke."

After being assured by Rugland that he was serious about pursuing a career as a placekicker, Cohen suggested that he train for a few weeks with a kicking coach in the United States. Cohen even suggested a few names, including Husted.

"He had never seen a snap or a hold," Cohen said. "I told him, ?If you pay your way over here and work hard, I'll fly you to New York before you fly back to Norway."'

It was a significant cost for Rugland, who works as a counselor in a state-run facility for at-risk youths. But he had some vacation stored up and did not want to regret missing the next chapter of this surreal voyage. So he bought a ticket to San Diego, where Husted is based.

Husted is well connected in the fraternity of current and former NFL kickers. In addition to giving Rugland his first formal lesson on kicking in late November, he arranged to have Nate Kaeding, who signed with the Miami Dolphins recently, evaluate Rugland's technique.

"Put him out on the field with all of us NFL kickers, he's going to kick it as high and as far as the rest of us," said Kaeding, the most accurate field goal kicker in NFL history. "The way that he flights the ball and how he hits it, the pop he puts in it, is like a professional caliber. He can hit from 55, 60 yards."

Cohen was reluctant to give details about last week's workout but said the Jets also saw enough to conclude that Rugland had a chance to play in the NFL. Rugland said the Jets wanted him to return for a workout in March. He added that he planned to spend the next few months in Norway practicing field goals and kickoffs (he is leaving the trick shots behind).

Rugland has also hired an agent, Jill McBride Baxter, who represents a few kickers. She hopes Rugland can sign with an NFL team in the offseason and vie for a spot on a 53-man roster next season.

"After the Jets workout, I got a call from the Raiders," Baxter said. "And then Michael got a call from Green Bay and he got a call from Philadelphia," she said, referring to Husted. "So yeah, there's interest."

Still, Rugland remains an untested commodity. Kaeding said there was little room for creativity in kicking and noted that Rugland's lack of game experience was a glaring obstacle.

"There's a lot of emotion and psychological hurdles you have to navigate," Kaeding said. "In high school and college, you learn how to deal with the nuances of the position. He's fighting against time because he hasn't had that experience."

Rugland would not be the first Norwegian kicker to play in the NFL. Jan Stenerud, a Hall of Famer who played for the Chiefs, the Packers and the Vikings over 19 seasons, is also from Norway.

But even if the Jets tryout turns out to be Rugland's only taste of the NFL, he has broken new ground. He has managed to make kicking look sexy while bringing it to the masses in the 21st century.

"It's almost like the world has gotten a little bit smaller," Rugland said. "I have no background in American football. You couldn't be more green than me. I made a video and it's possible for America to watch it. And it ends up with a tryout with the Jets. And let's hope a lot more."

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iMore Editors' Choice: Clay Jam, Discovr People, Hill Climb Racing, and more

iMore Editors' Choice: Clay Jam, Discovr People, Hill Climb Racing, and more!

Every week, the editors and writers at iMore carefully select some of our favorite, most useful, most extraordinary apps, accessories, gadgets, and websites. This week's selections include several iPhone and iPad games, a social app that helps you find interesting people to follow, and an app (for non US folk) that gives away free content and apps.

Discovr People - Ally Kazmucha

Discovr People is a great concept with a beautiful app behind it. If you ever have issues finding quality users to follow on Twitter, Discovr People is a great way to get there. Once launching the app you can type in any username you'd like to see their network and recent interactions. If you know people that engage with people that share the same interests with you, those are the usernames I would search for.

I used Discovr People recently to search for the followers on Twitter that I interact with the most. From there I looked at the people they'd have the most recent interactions with. I actually ended up finding quite a few interesting people that won't clutter up my timeline with pointless retweets and memes. You can view their profiles right within Discovr People as well as follow them and add them to lists. For free, what more could you ask for?

Twelve Days of Christmas - Chris Oldroyd

This week, being Christmas week, I have chosen Apple?s annual free app ?Twelve Days of Christmas? that gives away free content for twelve days after Christmas.

The app gives away apps, books and music content every day starting from December 26th and it is well worth grabbing. You will receive a push notification each day of the promotion to remind you to get your free content.

So far Apple has given away a music EP, a football game and a TV episode from the really popular series ?Sherlock?. The downside is that the app is available in loads of places with the exception of the US App Store. If you haven?t got it already, make sure you do as there are still 9 more days to go!

Game of Thrones companion - Joseph Keller

If you're a fan of A Song of Ice and Fire series of books, or their adaptation, the Game of Thrones television series on HBO, you know that the world created by George R.R. Martin is very dense. The Game of Thrones Companion is your go-to reference guide for that world. The Companion contains the full details of characters, houses, cities, and more. Also included are several maps of all of the major locations in the series. But one of the best features of this app are the spoiler settings, which allow you to set which book you have read, up through the latest one. This way, you don't accidentally spoil yourself before you?ve had a chance to read the later books, and after you?ve finished each successive volume, you can update your spoiler settings accordingly. The Game of Thrones Companion is available for $2.99. If you?re a Game of Thrones fan, you should definitely give it a look.

Clay Jam - Simon Sage

Clay Jam is an imaginative free-to-play game that has players amassing clay by rolling a ball over various colorful and wacky monsters. Players have to dig a trench for a ball to roll through by tracing a path ahead of it, and as it rolls over monsters, the ball gets bigger, enabling it to pick up bigger ones. In that way, it's a lot like Katamari Damacy, but be careful to avoid things that are too big, or else you'll just bump right off them and lose some clay. There are optional missions for each stage that reward extra clay, which can be used to unlock new levels and monsters. Clay Jam is a ton of fun, and though it's very kid-friendly, even us grown-ups will enjoy playing a few rounds. You'll be surprised by how good an app made of clay looks.

Hill Climb Racing - Leanna Lofte

Hill Climb Racing isn't so much my pick, as it is my husband's pick for the week -- which is precisely why I'm choosing it. You see, my husband is what one would call a "gamer", but on the PC, on the iPhone or iPad, yet he is totally addicted to Hill Climb Racing right now. It's a physics based driving game where the goal is to drive as far as possible; it can be classified is a "runner" (only you're driving, not running). You must use the gas and break to control the speed of your car to prevent from flipping your car and breaking the driver's neck. Hill Climb Racing is both challenging and addicting.

Avengers: The Initiative - Rene Ritchie

AHulk smash puny pick of the week!

I'm fully capable of not liking things that are brilliant. There are plenty of great movies, filled with incredible vision and talent, that just aren't to my tastes. By the same token, I adore quite a few things that, empirically, aren't very good, including terrible martial arts movies, and bad comic book adaptions. It's into that last category that Avengers: The Initiative falls. As a game unto itself, it's a poor -- really poor -- clone of Infinity Blade with nowhere near the tightness of control, and even more repetitiveness.

But right out the gate, you could play as the Hulk.

Read that again. Infinity Blade, but you could play as the %$#@ Hulk. Yeah. Smash.

And now a bad thing has gotten even better. Avengers: The Initiative has been updated to better support the iPad mini, as well as the Phone 5 and iPod touch 5's 16:9 widescreen. They've also added the Hulk's Mr. Fixit look from the classic Peter David era, added a new location, the Hydracarrier (think Hellicarrier but more neo-Nazi), new enemies including the Skrull (a race of alien shape-changers replaced by the Chitauri in the Ultimates and the Avengers movie) and the villain, the Task Master.

And they've added a new playable character, Captain America.

That's right. %$#@ Captain America.

Would that the their game-crafted skill matched their feature intentions!

But just like I enjoy the hell out of really cheesy movies and TV shows, I'm enjoying the hell out of Avengers: The Initiative.

Normally $6.99, but right now it's on sale for the cheap, cheap price of FREE.

Your choice?

Now that we've chosen our favorites for the week, we want to hear yours! Did you pick up a killer app, accessory, or game this week? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/2zMuKgl8OlM/story01.htm

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How Neuroscientists Observe Brains Watching Movies

Image: Todd Davidson/Stock Illustration Source

  • How does a Venus flytrap know when to snap shut? Can it actually feel an insect?s tiny, spindly legs? And how do cherry blossoms know when to bloom? Can they...

    Read More??

Unless you have been deaf and blind to the world over the past decade, you know that functional magnetic resonance brain imaging (fMRI) can look inside the skull of volunteers lying still inside the claustrophobic, coffinlike confines of a loud, banging magnetic scanner. The technique relies on a fortuitous property of the blood supply to reveal regional activity. Active synapses and neurons consume power and therefore need more oxygen, which is delivered by the hemoglobin molecules inside the circulating red blood cells. When these molecules give off their oxygen to the surrounding tissue, they not only change color?from arterial red to venous blue?but also turn slightly magnetic.

Activity in neural tissue causes an increase in the volume and flow of fresh blood. This change in the blood supply, called the hemodynamic signal, is tracked by sending radio waves into the skull and carefully listening to their return echoes. FMRI does not directly measure synaptic and neuronal activity, which occurs over the course of milliseconds; instead it uses a relatively sluggish proxy?changes in the blood supply?that rises and falls in seconds. The spatial resolution of fMRI is currently limited to a volume element (voxel) the size of a pea, encompassing about one million nerve cells.

Neuroscientists routinely exploit fMRI to infer what volunteers are seeing, imagining or intending to do. It is really a primitive form of mind reading. Now a team has taken that reading to a new, startling level.

A number of groups have deduced the identity of pictures viewed by volunteers while lying in the magnet scanner from the slew of map?like representations found in primary, secondary and higher-order visual cortical regions underneath the bump on the back of the head.

Jack L. Gallant of the University of California, Berkeley, is the acknowledged master of these techniques, which proceed in two stages. First, a volunteer looks at a couple of thousand images while lying in a magnet. The response of a few hundred voxels in the visual cortex to each image is carefully registered. These data are then used to train an algorithm to predict the magnitude of the fMRI response for each voxel. Second, this procedure is inverted. That is, for a given magnitude of hemodynamic response, a probabilistic technique called Bayesian decoding infers the most likely image that gave rise to the observed response in that particular volunteer (human brains differ substantially, so it is difficult to use one brain to predict the responses of another).

The best of these techniques exploit preexisting, or prior, knowledge about pictures that could have been seen before. The number of mathematically possible images is vast, but the types of actual scenes that are encountered in a world populated by people, animals, trees, buildings and other objects encompass a tiny fraction of all possible images. Appropriately enough, the images that we usually encounter are called natural images. Using a database of six million natural images, Gallant?s group showed in 2009 how brain responses of volunteers to photographs they had not previously encountered could be reconstructed.

From Images to Movies
These reconstructions are surprisingly good, even though they are based on the smudged activity of hundreds of thousands of highly diverse nerve cells, each one firing to different aspects of the image?its local intensity, color, shading, texture, and so on. A further limitation I have already alluded to is the 1,000-fold mismatch between the celerity of neuronal signals and the sedate pace at which the fMRI signal rises and falls.

Yet Gallant?s group fearlessly pushed on and applied Bayesian reconstruction techniques to the conceptually and computationally much more demanding problem of spatiotemporal reconstruction.

Three members of the group each watched about two hours? worth of short takes from various Hollywood movies. These data were used to train a separate encoding model for each voxel. The first part of the model consisted of a bank of neural filters. These filters are based on the cumulative research that has been conducted over two decades into the way nerve cells in the visual cortex in people and monkeys respond to seeing visual stimuli with varying positions, size, motion and speed. The second part of the model coupled these neuronal filters to the blood vasculature, describing how the neuronal activity is reflected in much slower fMRI signals.

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=1eafb4baf4195ce8fd856b21011ee09d

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Best SEO tips: Six-Star Cruising on Luxury Cruise Lines

There are six cruise lines that are in the luxury class: Crystal Cruise Line, Cunard Cruise Line, Radisson Seven Seas, The Yachts of Seabourn, Silversea Cruise Line, and Windstar Cruises.

Crystal Cruise Line has received numerous awards for excellence. For the last nine years, Conde Nast Traveler has named Crystal "Best Large-Ship Cruise Line". Also for the last nine years, Travel + Leisure magazine has given Crystal the status of "World's Best Large-Ship Cruise Line". And for service, a Travel + Leisure reader's poll voted Crystal "World's Best". Crystal Cruise Line operates only three ships: Crystal Harmony, Crystal Symphony and Crystal Serenity. These ships carry approximately 1,000 passengers each and Crystal Cruise Line boasts the greatest passenger space per guest of any cruise line.

Do you recognize the ship names Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth? These great ships come from Cunard, a name long synonymous with luxury and elegance in cruises. "With Cunard, the journey may be even more magnificent than the destination" states their promotional literature. Cunard operates just two award-winning luxury ships. The Queen Mary 2, launched in January, 2004, is known as the longest, tallest and largest ocean liner and carries 2,620 passengers. It is replacing the Queen Elizabeth 2 for transatlantic crossings but the QE2 will still be available for cruises.

Radisson Seven Seas is a small luxury cruise line. Small here means that the ships carry a small number of passengers. Fewer than 700 fortunate passengers per cruise are pampered by attentive staff. Radisson Seven Seas has been named by Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure magazines to be the "World's Best Small Cruise Line". Radisson Seven Seas appeals to the sophisticated traveler.

The Yachts of Seabourn cruise line advertises that they provide "Ultra Luxury" by "delivering the highest levels of personalized service to an exclusive group of guests aboard intimate, elegant ships that could visit the most enticing destinations worldwide." Seabourn sails three identical all-suite ships that cater to only 208 passengers each. Of course, dining and service is world-class.

Silversea Cruises is a new company, founded in 1994, for the express purpose of providing an ultra-luxury cruise experience aboard small and intimate ships with all the features of a large cruise vessel. The Silverseas ships Cloud, Wind, Shadow, and Whisper provide all-suite accommodations that between 250 square feet and over 1,300 square feet in size. Silversea vies with Radisson Seven Seas and Crystal Cruise Lines for the accolades of Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure in the world's best categories. Silversea Cruises has also has been named by Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure magazines to be the "World's Best Small Cruise Line" many times since its inception.

Windstar Cruises offers a totally different sailing experience. Windstar Cruises offers motor-sail-yachts instead of cruise ships. Yes, their ships actually have sails that are computer-controlled with the latest in technology. Windstar's four ships carry just 148 to 308 passengers in staterooms or luxurious suites, giving the feel of being aboard a personal yacht. Even with such a small fleet, Windstar Cruises sail to over 47 countries around the world.

If you're in the market for a luxury cruise, there are a number of excellent cruise lines to chose from.

Looking for information about cruises? Go to: [http://www.whatcruises.com]

'What Cruises' is published by Colin Hartness - An excellent resource for Cruises!

Check out more cruise articles at: [http://www.whatcruises.com/archive]


Source: http://amyplund517.blogspot.com/2012/12/six-star-cruising-on-luxury-cruise-lines.html

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Is 32 too old to still live at home?

If you have a good job, making good money still living at home shows you fear living alone and being independent. Is your Mother indigent? Are your Father's life insurance and other death benefit not enough for your Mom to be self sustaining financially without you? If the house is too much, it's time to down size to something more affordable so she can live comfortable and you can be an independent adult.

What I see in this situation is, you being your Mom companion until she dies, which could be many, many years from now and with that you'll find yourself isolated, unmarried and no family. And then the resentment will set in and you'll find yourself a unhappy old woman.

Granted the economy has many moving back home because they can't afford housing or don't have the jobs to afford housing depending on where one lives.

You have to figure out what you want for YOUR life. You have been living your life FOR your parents - now Mom - which leaves you with no life of your own. Do you want to have a man in your life? Do you want to get married? Have children? You certainly can't do that living with Mom. Newlywed couples can't have their parents as a part of their marriage as it will cause issues. If you truly need to take care of your indigent Mother, you have her in an assisted living facility or her own apartment where you can watch over her, yet have your own space and own life.

This is what you have to figure out; what YOU want from life and when you expect to start living it too.

- Response by msadvise, A Thinker, Female, 46-55, Transportation

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Source: http://www.answerology.com/index.aspx/question/3165686_Is-32-too-old-to-still-live-at-home.html

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OUYA Ships 1,200 Development Consoles, Shows Off Its Pre ...

OUYA, the Android-based affordable gaming console that inspired a wide range of reaction from tech watchers and gamers alike when it debuted on Kickstarter back in July 2012, today reached an important milestone: shipping product. Admittedly, it?s just the developer-specific consoles for now, but 1,200 units are now winging their way to actual people, and the company put the pre-release gaming console on video to prove it.

This OUYA unboxing video gives us a glimpse at what the thing looks like in the flesh ? albeit in a transparent plastic casing for both controller and console that doesn?t reflect its anticipated shipping fit and finish. The design isn?t quite final either, as founder Jules Uhrman explains on the video alongside an Ouya designer that the d-pad will change, as will shoulder pad positioning and a number of other internal controller components. Also newly shown off in the video are a micro USB port on the console itself, and an internal fan in the device to keep it cool during intense gaming sessions.

The console looks an awful lot like early renders we?ve seen (minus the limited-edition transparent plastic finish) and Uhrman even goes so far as to actually plug in the console and power it up on video, although we don?t see anything beyond a boot screen as the device loads up with the ?OUYA? branding. At the very least though, we know it turns on, and that it?s shipping in some capacity, which in itself might be?enough?to quiet those who were?skeptical about OUYA?s ability to deliver any kind of working device at all.

Shipping development consoles today also means that OUYA has indeed kept its initial hardware ship date promise ? a rarity among any Kickstarter projects, and impressive given the?popularity?of this one in particular and the amount of scrutiny it received. On-time delivery of these units bodes well for OUYA?s anticipated March 2013 shipping date for consumer units. But there?s still plenty of work to be done on software, and refinements are needed on the hardware side, too, so nothing?s set in stone at this point. Still, it?s great to see OUYA even reach this point, and here?s hoping they make that March launch.

OUYA was created in 2012 by Julie Uhrman, a video game industry veteran who saw an opportunity to open up the last closed game platform ? the TV. Julie and an initial team of game developers and advisors brought the concept to life with the help of Yves Behar and the fuseproject, and took it to Kickstarter in July of 2012. It became one of the most successful Kickstarter projects ever, with tens of thousands of backers pledging to...

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Source: http://techcrunch.com/2012/12/28/ouya-ships-1200-development-consoles-shows-off-its-pre-release-android-gaming-hardware-on-video/

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