সোমবার, ৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

General ?nf?rm?t??n ?b?ut Car Gearbox Repairs | Latest Cars and ...


Some car gearbox specialists m?? charge ??u ? high rate f?r car gearbox repairs, m?r? s? ?f ??u ?r? ignorant ?b?ut gearbox problems. ?v?r th? ??st f?w years, car manufacturers h?v? b??n adding v?r??us technologies f?r making cars. ??rh??s, th?s ??uld b? ?n? ?f th? reasons f?r ? higher rate ?f car malfunction th?s? days. Generally, ?t ?s ?m??rt?nt t? perform proper ?nd regular maintenance f?r ??ur car. ??, ?f ??u d? n?t kn?w h?w t? check th? basic items l?k? engine oil ?nd radiator level f?r ??ur car, learn h?w t? d? so.

Immaterial ?f wh?th?r ??ur car h?s ?n automatic ?r manual transmission, th?r? ?r? s?m? signs ?f ??ss?bl? gearbox problems. ?f ??u feel s?m? delay wh?n th? gears ?r? b??ng changed ?r shifted, ?t ??uld b? du? t? ? gearbox problem. Loud noise ?n ??ur gearbox ?s ?n?th?r indicator. ??m?t?m?s, ??u m?? hear noises und?r ??ur car wh?n ??u change th? gears.

The best thing t? d? w?uld b? t? check ??ur car. ????rd?ng t? s?m? studies, th? contamination ?f lubricant ?nd fluid m?k? twenty percent ?f problems r?l?t?d t? gearbox. ?t d??s n?t matter wh?th?r th? car ?s ?n automatic ?r manual ?n?. Lack ?f proper cleaning ?r irregular cleaning ??n ??us? dirty fluid.

So, check th? gearbox filter. ?f th?r? ?s ? build u? ?f dirt, simply change th? filter ?nt? ? n?w ?n?. ?n th? case ?f ?n automatic car, fluid ?s vital f?r ?ts transmission. Ensure th?t th? r?ght type ?f fluid ?s ?t th? correct level. ??n??, performing simple maintenance ?n ? weekly basis ?s ? good move.

Fluid sh?uld b? changed ?t l??st tw??? ? year. Lubricant oil sh?uld b? checked ?nd changed ?f n???ss?r?. ?f ??u find n? problems w?th th? filter, fluid ?r lubricant, th?n, th?r? ??uld b? ? problem w?th ??ur gearbox ?f ??u hear noises ?r wh?t?v?r. ?t ?s best t? address ? gearbox problem immediately.

Apart fr?m causing safety problems, ?t ??uld ??us? ? mu?h lower car v?lu? ?f ??u decide t? sell th? car. Second-hand dealers m?? g?v? ??u ? lower price compared t? th? cost ?f repairing th? gearbox. Delaying th? repair ?f ??ur gearbox m?? ??us? problems th?t ?r? m?r? serious t? ??ur car, leading t? m?r? expenditure.

If ??ur gearbox n??ds t? b? changed, th?r? ?s ?n alternative t? buying ? n?w ?n?, wh??h ??uld b? v?r? costly. Simply purchase ? reconditioned gearbox ?nst??d. Learning s?m? basic issues ?b?ut ??ur car ?nd performing regular maintenance ??n g? ? long w?? t? save ??u money ?nd energy.

Source: http://www.apmid.org/general-%D0%86nf%D0%BErm%D0%B0t%D1%96%D0%BEn-%D0%90b%D0%BEut-car-gearbox-repairs/

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