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Until the 1980s, most cosmetic surgeries were approached as multi-staged procedures done over a period of years. Middle-aged patients might have their eyelids done but would then be advised to defer a facelift until reaching their 60s. None of the ?rejuvenation procedures? that are popular today even existed, and complications were so feared that patients would often have surgery on only one side of the face at a time, with several weeks between procedures.
Past and Present Trends In Cosmetic Surgery
In recent years, there have been several major trends in cosmetic surgery. First, people are now having procedures done earlier, with whole-face rejuvenation done in multiple treatments. The second, even more dramatic trend is the use of high technology in cosmetic laser surgery, which is now performed in a surgeon?s own office or an outpatient surgery facility.
There are social and economic trends at work, not just medical ones. The pressures of commercial life, of working to older ages and of women in their 40s succeeding the professional world all contribute to the popularity of cosmetic surgery. And it is well established that personal image and looks play a powerful role in the careers of professional people. Doctors now understand that among the various motivations for having cosmetic surgery earlier in life is some people?s need to secure their social and professional status.
Cosmetic Surgery Innovation
Clearly, it is not just the new technologies and procedures that are available that have changed the nature of cosmetic surgery. Greater knowledge about the human body and its construction (and its flexibility) has led to there being many, many proponents for the multiple procedure approach. Then, too, there is the matter of balance. Following facial rejuvenation, a patient?s face may look younger but other aspects of their physique and appearance may not match up.
On the other hand, a ?whole-body? approach considers the entire person in the equation, which is why another new trend is cosmetic surgeons relying on help from psychologists, make-up artists and image consultants in developing patient plans. In other words, cosmetic surgery is trending toward being a ?package deal? for the whole person.
As far as new procedures, there has been a great deal of change and progress in the use of ?injectables,? and not just the famous Botox injections for wrinkle elimination. Various kinds of injectables have been developed to sculpt the human body in various ways and in various places. Used as part of an overall rejuvenation or reconstruction plan, along with other ever-advancing procedures like dermabrasion and cosmetic laser surgery, injectables have become an important part of the plastic surgeon?s toolkit.
Other technologies and procedures are continually evolving. Newer, more powerful and more accurate lasers are being developed and manufactured all the time, and advances in many medical fields?metallurgy, anesthesia, antibiotics, etc.?are rapidly adopted where needed by cosmetic surgeons.
Cosmetic Laser Surgery: Right For You?
Another major trend is that doctors are now performing cosmetic laser surgery and other procedures outside of the hospital atmosphere. Some plastic surgeons have their own outpatient surgery facilities, while others band together to form partnerships for this purpose. Procedures have become safer with advances in medical technology and doctors have learned to reduce complications to a fraction of a percent of all procedures.
This trend toward outpatient procedures has some very powerful unseen advantages. Leaving the hospital out of the equation has numerous benefits, beginning with an economic one.
It is far less expensive for the patient, who may have to consider cosmetic surgery financing options if unable to pay up front, if there is no hospital stay. In addition, the presence of antibiotic-resistant infections in hospitals is a good reason to avoid them if at all possible.
One other recent trend has been the good press that cosmetic surgery has been getting, compared to the negative portrayals of yesteryear and the casting of patients as ?victims.? In fact, some doctors point to the television series ?Extreme Makeover? as a reflection of a new appreciation for cosmetic surgery. The fact that the program also shows ?everyday people? having these procedures, not just the Ivana Trumps of the world, is an indication of how cosmetic laser surgery and other life-enhancing procedures are considered not only acceptable, but affordable, as well.
Author: Monica Keller
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