- Bedsider
- March 20, 2013
- 3:00 pm
get healthy living updates
Even if you?re having adventurous sex all over the place, bedrooms are still where the magic happens the majority of the time. Does yours have a let?s-get-it-on vibe? Here?s how to use feng shui?the ancient Chinese art of creating spaces that foster harmony, health and good fortune?to turn a drab bedroom into a sexy slumber party for two.
- Clear it out. Clutter is a mood killer. Try to keep your bedroom as clean as possible, so you can easily use every surface for your pleasure.
- Decorate to captivate. Scrap the cutesy kitten posters and surround yourself with grown up images that are sensual or ones that make you feel passionate.
- Put color to work. Red, pink, peach, and white are believed to open your heart. Go for colors that add warmth; they can enhance sexual energy. If you can?t paint your walls, try painting your headboard. Even colored candles will do.
- Select furnishings that feel good. A comfy, delicious bed. Silky sheets. Soft pillows. Try to surround yourself with things that are delightful to touch. This can encourage touching of other things, if you know what we mean.
They say this stuff can be pretty potent, so don?t forget: Once you sexify your love nest, please make sure your birth control can handle it.
Frisky Fridays are Bedsider?s weekly column on sex, life, love, and kicking ass. Get ?em straight to your inbox by signing up on bedsider.org.
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Read more: Feng Shui & Organizing, Home, Love, Relationships, Sex, bedsider, birth control, feng shui, furniture, home decor, sex, Sex Tips
Originally published on bedsider.org
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Everyone should have the life they want, when they want it. And until someone is ready to have a baby, we believe they should have access to birth control. That?s where we come in. Bedsider makes birth control easier. How? By giving you everything you need to find it, get it, and use it well.
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Source: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/how-to-use-feng-shui-to-get-laid.html
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